Model: 126
Date of update: 2024-04-16
Below are reports for the market value of the car model Fiat 126. It is divided into groups depending on the type of engine. Click on the links below to quickly jump to the section you're looking for.
Engine type: Petrol
Engine size: 0.6
Based on: 64 offers
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Average market car value [PLN]
Manufacturing year
Manufacturing year Average market car prize [PLN] Average mileage [km]
1999 9200 42386
1998 8702 46022
1997 8204 49658
1996 7706 53295
1995 7208 56931
1994 6710 60567
1993 6212 64204
1992 7908 64096
1991 9604 63988
1990 11299 63881
1989 17770 54014
1988 16999 69000
1987 11399 67697
1986 5800 66395
1985 10426 64908
1984 15053 63422
1983 19680 61936
1982 29099 50980
1981 22013 43768
1980 14926 36555
1979 7839 29342
1973 29220 58920
Engine type: Petrol
Engine size: 0.7
Based on: 520 offers
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Average market car value [PLN]
Manufacturing year
Manufacturing year Average market car prize [PLN] Average mileage [km]
2000 7589 85233
1999 11196 78197
1998 12959 72189
1997 10586 72297
1996 8377 71055
1995 19324 52696
1994 19416 63345
1993 8199 54627
1992 8282 67121
1991 19253 49213
1990 8899 52224
1989 14561 48225
1988 16236 55072
1987 24971 41678
1986 16762 61992
1985 8600 45549
1984 11890 59829
1983 18800 41469
1982 16781 42225
1981 14762 42982
1980 12743 43739
1979 10725 44495
1978 49900 76000