Model: Uno
Date of update: 2024-04-16
Below are reports for the market value of the car model Fiat Uno. It is divided into groups depending on the type of engine. Click on the links below to quickly jump to the section you're looking for.
Engine type: Petrol
Engine size: 0.9
Based on: 83 offers
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Average market car value [PLN]
Manufacturing year
Manufacturing year Average market car prize [PLN] Average mileage [km]
2002 2968 94974
2001 3679 77485
2000 3226 83971
Engine type: Petrol
Engine size: 1.0
Based on: 71 offers
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Average market car value [PLN]
Manufacturing year
Manufacturing year Average market car prize [PLN] Average mileage [km]
2002 2481 88742
2001 2962 89397
2000 2957 98441
1999 2951 107486
1998 2140 96929
1997 3767 77606
1996 2708 94775
1995 4226 89967
1994 5744 85158
1993 7262 80350