Model: XJS
Date of update: 2025-02-20
Below are reports for the market value of the car model Jaguar XJS. It is divided into groups depending on the type of engine. Click on the links below to quickly jump to the section you're looking for.
Engine type: Petrol
Engine size: 4.0
Based on: 22 offers
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Average market car value [PLN]
Manufacturing year
Manufacturing year Average market car prize [PLN] Average mileage [km]
1995 80786 157177
1994 76123 156643
Engine type: Petrol
Engine size: 5.3
Based on: 34 offers
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Average market car value [PLN]
Manufacturing year
Manufacturing year Average market car prize [PLN] Average mileage [km]
1990 78712 124303
1989 68591 120750
1988 72600 92423
1987 46788 97222
1986 36900 160000