Model: MX-5
Date of update: 2024-10-02
Below are reports for the market value of the car model Mazda MX-5. It is divided into groups depending on the type of engine.
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Engine type: Petrol
Engine size: 1.5
Based on: 47 offers
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Average market car value [PLN]
Manufacturing year
Manufacturing year |
Average market car prize [PLN] |
Average mileage [km] |
2024 |
156180 |
3 |
2023 |
143060 |
5122 |
2022 |
129940 |
10242 |
2021 |
116820 |
15361 |
2020 |
103700 |
20480 |
2019 |
90580 |
25600 |
2018 |
79642 |
48924 |
2017 |
74133 |
68940 |
2016 |
39350 |
80366 |
2015 |
70250 |
48233 |
Engine type: Petrol
Engine size: 1.6
Based on: 456 offers
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Average market car value [PLN]
Manufacturing year
Manufacturing year |
Average market car prize [PLN] |
Average mileage [km] |
2004 |
18679 |
162847 |
2003 |
18660 |
177191 |
2002 |
18766 |
171865 |
2001 |
16977 |
174967 |
2000 |
18283 |
187548 |
1999 |
17306 |
184868 |
1998 |
16272 |
188191 |
1997 |
40383 |
166833 |
1996 |
40071 |
155960 |
1995 |
38000 |
152412 |
1994 |
36791 |
189410 |
1993 |
35583 |
226408 |
1992 |
37814 |
197876 |
1991 |
28775 |
142375 |
1990 |
38589 |
188938 |
Engine type: Petrol
Engine size: 1.8
Based on: 296 offers
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Average market car value [PLN]
Manufacturing year
Manufacturing year |
Average market car prize [PLN] |
Average mileage [km] |
2013 |
54557 |
72300 |
2012 |
46125 |
84618 |
2011 |
46694 |
107611 |
2010 |
43100 |
129368 |
2009 |
38956 |
149767 |
2008 |
32132 |
150601 |
2007 |
26994 |
166000 |
2006 |
28075 |
156703 |
2005 |
26089 |
165026 |
2004 |
59720 |
190000 |
2003 |
24799 |
190487 |
2002 |
24285 |
173014 |
2001 |
28259 |
172083 |
2000 |
22732 |
177047 |
1999 |
23234 |
172548 |
Engine type: Petrol
Engine size: 2.0
Based on: 773 offers
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Average market car value [PLN]
Manufacturing year
Manufacturing year |
Average market car prize [PLN] |
Average mileage [km] |
2024 |
176575 |
5 |
2023 |
153854 |
734 |
2022 |
139202 |
3380 |
2021 |
114410 |
17416 |
2020 |
122346 |
15240 |
2019 |
103469 |
28376 |
2018 |
98124 |
35633 |
2017 |
74567 |
53266 |
2016 |
72320 |
61528 |
2015 |
74269 |
93915 |
2014 |
2013 |
2012 |
57622 |
116745 |
2011 |
57863 |
126681 |
2010 |
50799 |
160337 |
2009 |
50257 |
111169 |
2008 |
43452 |
147833 |
2007 |
34424 |
144380 |
2006 |
37315 |
172139 |
2005 |
36087 |
191258 |