Model: Atu
Date of update: 2024-12-11
Below are reports for the market value of the car model Polonez Atu. It is divided into groups depending on the type of engine. Click on the links below to quickly jump to the section you're looking for.
Engine type: Petrol
Engine size: 1.6
Based on: 62 offers
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Average market car value [PLN]
Manufacturing year
Manufacturing year Average market car prize [PLN] Average mileage [km]
2000 5349 93816
1999 6164 104366
1998 6978 114917
1997 12063 89613
1996 9737 79080
Engine type: Petrol & LPG
Engine size: 1.6
Based on: 10 offers
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Average market car value [PLN]
Manufacturing year
Manufacturing year Average market car prize [PLN] Average mileage [km]
1999 9180 118733
1998 4429 159977