Model: Escort
Date of update: 2021-05-05
Below are reports for the market value of the car model Ford Escort. It is divided into groups depending on the type of engine. Click on the links below to quickly jump to the section you're looking for.
Engine type: Petrol
Engine size: 1.3
Based on: 14 offers
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Average market car value [PLN]
Manufacturing year
Manufacturing year Average market car prize [PLN] Average mileage [km]
1998 1497 168055
1997 2738 71751
Engine type: Petrol
Engine size: 1.4
Based on: 11 offers
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Average market car value [PLN]
Manufacturing year
Manufacturing year Average market car prize [PLN] Average mileage [km]
1998 4266 107141
1997 6283 86470
1996 8300 65800
Engine type: Petrol
Engine size: 1.6
Based on: 52 offers
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Average market car value [PLN]
Manufacturing year
Manufacturing year Average market car prize [PLN] Average mileage [km]
1998 4246 91162
1997 4773 97679
1996 5151 97059
1995 5529 96439
1994 5907 95819